After weeks of intense criticism from educators and lawmakers, Gov. Phil Scott’s nominee for Secretary of Education, Zoie Saunders, was rejected by the Senate on a 19-9 vote Tuesday, with Sen. Rich Westman, R-Cambridge, walking out on the vote entirely.

In a low-slung building on Hutchins Street in Morrisville, next to an engineering office down the hill from a newly built affordable housing complex, Craft Cannabis sells more than marijuana — it’s selling a vibe.

Following the announcement of plans to sell off its equine operation, the North Country Animal League has faced intense backlash from some members of the local community, including longtime donors and its former director.

Just weeks after Johnson village was devastated by flooding last July, up on the hills above it, Lamoille County Field Days provided a sense of normalcy and fun in a town sorely in need of it.

After a second budget to fund Lamoille North Supervisory District elementary schools failed again by a narrow margin, the district school board unanimously voted to cut just $50 dollars and bring it to a revote.

Morristown has hired its first town manager, almost a year after turnover of numerous elected and appointed town officials spurred a voter-led petition to switch to a form of government that takes day-to-day operations of the town out of the hands of a five-person selectboard.

After Town Meeting Day voters in Elmore and Morristown defeated their school budget, a second budget managed to cut $120,000 without cutting any faculty or staff.

While the Vermont Transportation Agency oversees work on the state’s network of inter-town highways, Lamoille County towns all have their own roadwork to-do lists.

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