What a bittersweet moment for parents when their children are ready to “leave the nest.” Trusting that we have taught them and nurtured them well, we let them spread their wings and soar to new heights.

Statistics show that human reliability is never perfect. Accordingly, experts have developed layered security for critical operations known to some as the “Swiss Cheese Model.

This past Sunday, the 7th Sunday of Easter, Robin Genetti was worship leader. She began by acknowledging Mother’s Day and all the various emotions this day might evoke and encouraged folks to be gentle with one another. She then addressed Jesus’ final words to his disciples before he gave up his life for all of us (John 17:6-19).

Jesus taught in parables after the religious leaders wanted to kill him and claimed that he cast out unclean spirits by the power of Satan. Parables are short stories using familiar scenes to explain spiritual truth.

Last Sunday, the kids shared what they love about their moms: “She cracks me up” and “she’s so nice.” They then handed out treat filled cups to all the moms.

On Mother’s Day, the statue of the Virgin Mary in the center of the church was crowned in honor of her as the mother of all the faithful. May we ask for her intercession for all mothers.

A 35-year veteran priest who has climbed the leadership ladder of Vermont’s Roman Catholic Diocese is set to become its new bishop.

Stowe Community Church is delighted to continue hosting the Stowe Performing Arts series, Noon Music in May, every Wednesday during the month. The concerts are free and on May 15, the Opera Company of Middlebury will perform “A Country Store Opera.”

As I last wrote, the ways in which we identify God affects how we relate with God. As I mentioned, male gendering can be difficult for some though it is a foundational term for many. She/her can have the same effects, both positive and negative.

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